Week 33: Shout about the Global Goals

2030hub has been building a movement for seven years, and this is year four for our Liverpool-focused Global Goals Week campaign. Only Liverpool and New York use GGW to engage and inspire as cities.

If we want to make the Global Goals work, we need local actions, and cities are the perfect size to balance relevance and impact.

Shout About The Global Goals…

The first rule of Global Goals week (It’s Global Goals Week in a couple of weeks time - loads of events you should check out here) is to talk about Global Goals, the second rule of GGW is talk about the Global Goals! The third rule is, well, you get it.

Too many people have never heard of the SDGs and most people who have don't really understand what they are. Become a loud and proud advocate for the blueprint for the planet!

Take Action:

Google 'SDGs or 'Global Goals' (they're the same thing!) and explore what each of them really are, then tell somebody, everybody, everyone that you possibly can. Be a Global Goals show off. We need your voice. 

Why not talk about your favourite to a friend or a colleague? Which do you think is the most important to tackle first? Ask your friends, ask your boss, ask your teacher, ask your postman, hairdresser…but maybe not your dog.

So this week, pick a goal, tell your mates. 


Week 34: A big second half


Week 32: Collaboration