Week 32: Collaboration

Take action: Collaboration

One of the reasons that people don’t take action around the climate emergency, or on other social issues, is because it’s easy to feel small and helpless. What impact do your actions actually have? Does it feel a bit futile? While that always reminds me of the Dalai Lama quote “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito,” it can be tough to keep going. That’s why reflecting on your progress so far is important.

Now you’ve taken stock of what you’ve achieved this year, why not talk about it with the community you’re a part of? If you identify the changes you’ve made collectively, you can magnify your impact. And it can be easier to create change when you work together – purchasing things in a different way, increasing your spending power or just reaching more people. Working as part of a community helps you amplify your impact, holds you accountable and gives you someone else to share ideas and approaches with. Suddenly feels much bigger, doesn’t it?

About Wordscape: 

For many, August is one of the slower months of the year. Maybe you’re going on holiday, or just taking time off. Chances are you have colleagues that are – which might make your August a little more hectic. Here, we’re in planning for an upcoming issue of Ethos and have three big projects to finish this month, so we’re making the most of other people being around less. 

It’s also the time of year that, inevitably, thoughts turn to new school terms, autumn and the run-in to Christmas. It’s a time for reflection and that’s what we’re doing for this month’s takeover of the Year of Action Campaign – resetting and reflecting. 

We’re taking it in turns as a team and so you’ll be hearing from me (Andrew), Fiona, Eve and Em in turn across the month. 


Week 33: Shout about the Global Goals


Week 31: You are great, so embrace that feeling