Week 42: Learn Local

We’re always blown away by the honesty of people when they get up on stage and pitch at a Liverpool SOUP event. Most of our pitchers are incredibly open about their lived experiences because it's these lived experiences that have shaped their way of thinking, what they’re passionate about and, ultimately, how they’re now spending their time to make positive change locally.

You learn a lot about places and communities by learning about what’s important to the people who are a part of them. Often, even if we don’t share the same experience, there are elements which we’ll be able to relate to, so learning about these experiences will further humanise those around us nurturing stronger communities which are more enjoyable to be a part of.

This week why not take a moment to ask someone what’s important to them and why?

It could be someone you see every day or someone you’ve never met before. We can often be guilty of getting straight into the detail with the people we’re familiar with and forgetting to take a step back to reflect on what’s got us here.

You’ll learn a lot from focusing on the journey they’ve been on to get them where they are rather than the outcomes they have in their sights…although they can also be interesting.

You may even become inspired enough to get your own project off the ground like over a third (35%) of Liverpool SOUP’s audience do after listening to the experiences of our pitchers.

About this months content partner, Liverpool SOUP

Liverpool SOUP is a micro-funding event which brings local people together to learn about and support local, grassroots projects. The SOUP concept is a global one with groups of volunteers putting their own spin on it from town-to-town and city to-city - the aspects that tie SOUPs together are the support for Doers in local communities, raising money from the community for these community-focused projects and eating together, enjoying one another’s company. Since June 2019, Liverpool SOUP has showcased 57 projects and facilitated £23,981 of donations to those projects, not to mention all the wonderful connections, collaborations and additional direct donations that have happened as a result of these events.


Week 43: Swap Impulse for Intent


Week 41: Ask & Listen