Week 30: Try something new

Nothing helps me to reset like trying something new. Whether it’s something like trying out a new recipe, a new type of workout class, or even visiting somewhere I haven’t before, doing something new helps me to feel refreshed. 

New activities force me to turn off the noise in my brain, be present and focus on the new thing I’m doing. Afterwards, I’m better able to reflect on how I’m really feeling, and even if this is a new hobby I want to pick up, or if there are other things I’d like to try.

What’s important about this though is that it doesn’t have to be productive. Don’t do anything you feel you should be doing. Try something out just because it sounds interesting or fun.

Take action

Have a think about something you’ve been wanting to do for a while. Something fun and interesting. Maybe it’s trying out a pottery class, or planting something new in your garden. You might have been thinking about joining a local book club, or trying out a hot yoga class.

Sign yourself up, pick out some seeds - whatever it is, commit to giving it a go. Do it alone, do it with friends, it’s up to you.

When you’re doing it, allow yourself to take the time to reset. Box off that time for yourself, be in the moment. Let your brain reset from worrying about what you did or didn’t get done today, or what might be coming up in the future.

Once you’re done, take some time to reflect. How did it make you feel? Trying out something new can help us reflect on how we’ve been feeling, and how the new thing changed that. You don’t even have to commit to a whole new hobby, but take this opportunity to reflect and refocus, and be inspired to make change and take action, however small.

About Wordscape: 

For many, August is one of the slower months of the year. Maybe you’re going on holiday, or just taking time off. Chances are you have colleagues that are – which might make your August a little more hectic. Here, we’re in planning for an upcoming issue of Ethos and have three big projects to finish this month, so we’re making the most of other people being around less. 

It’s also the time of year that, inevitably, thoughts turn to new school terms, autumn and the run-in to Christmas. It’s a time for reflection and that’s what we’re doing for this month’s takeover of the Year of Action Campaign – resetting and reflecting. 

We’re taking it in turns as a team and so you’ll be hearing from me (Andrew), Fiona, Eve and Em in turn across the month. 


Week 31: You are great, so embrace that feeling


Week 29: Reset